Bullet In The Brain Tobias Wolff

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In the story of “Bullet in the Brain” by Tobias Wolff you are introduced to a character named Anders. Anders is in line at the bank and you can learn a lot from this character just by the way he acts and thinks around others while he is at the bank. While he is in line a group of bank robbers break into the bank and demand for money. Anders gets ends up getting shot and you read about how his life flashes before his eyes. The paragraphs of 39-40 on pages 1192-1193 in “Bullet in the Brain” explains to you what Anders actually remembers from when he sees his life passing before his eyes. The only thing he remembers is the time he and his neighborhood friends meet to play a game of baseball during the summer. Ander’s memory about the pick up game …show more content…

Ander’s seems to have a short temper and seemed to be talking to the people in line very rudely. Just the things Ander’s says to the woman waiting in line seems very uncalled for and very rude to say to them. One point in the story Coyle’s cousin says “Short is the best position they is” (Wolff 1192) This quote comes from Coyle’s cousin who tells the rest of the boys that he wants to play shortstop because to him, shortstop is the best position. He says this in a very weird and an unusual way, none of the boys seem to correct him. Ander’s just looks at him, hoping that Coyle’s cousin repeats to the group what he had said. Anders remembers what he said, but keeps it to himself and doesn’t say anything to the group. Even though Anders wants the guy to repeat he doesn’t ask him too. I think that if this were the Ander’s we meet in the bank he would have picked on Coyle’s cousin in a heartbeat. Instead of trash talking Coyle’s cousin Ander’s remembers what he said and thinks it has a certain music to it. Ander’s then keeps repeating what Coyle’s cousin said as he is out in the field while the boys are playing

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