Built By Chocolate Milk Essay

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In 2015 the Milk Processor Education Program released their newest advertisement in Shape Magazine. The advertisement’s purpose is to encourage women to drink more of their low fat chocolate milk and develop a stronger body. They used the professional soccer player Kelley O’Hara as the face of the ad. The ad features the women’s national soccer player soaring through the air, showing off her lean, beautiful body. This advertisement captivates women through its powerful use of pathos and ethos but unsuccessfully falls short with the use of logos. The Milk Processor Education Program released this ad in 2015 to promote chocolate milk as a healthy drink that women should consume. It is funded by some of the nation’s most known milk …show more content…

The ad shows her flipping through the air, kicking a soccer ball upside down next to a bottle of chocolate milk. Not only is she a professional athlete but she is also in the best shape of her life. The ad uses her body and gives the impression to an audience that they can feel as strong and as confident as Kelley O’Hara after drinking low fat chocolate milk. Also, the ad was released just days after the Women’s National soccer team beat Japan in the World Cup Final in Vancouver, Canada, making Kelley O’Hara a world champion. Several soccer fans might know her and appeal to her in the ad since she was on television multiple times for the world cup. This was a good marketing technique by The Milk Processor Education Program because they knew Kelley O’Hara would be a fresh familiar face for their …show more content…

When looking at commercials and advertisements most consumers believe that if a product is backed up by science then it is worthy of being true. Even though the statement, “Nutrients to refuel protein to rebuild backed by science” could be true, there is no evidence to support it. For instance, this ad does not even present itself with statistics or sources where the information could be true. It states that whatever the ad is saying is “backed by science”, but how can the audience trust these

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