Budget Project Reflection

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Jade Spencer - Budget Project Reflection
1)How did this experiment compare with your initial thoughts about living on your own?
This experiment made me think about how living on my own is not easy. With living on my own there a lot of responsibility. It let me know that you can no longer spend money on things you want because you need it to pay for bills and food. This is how this experiment made me think about living on my own.

2)What would be the hardest part of living on your own?
The hardest part about living on your own is that you have to be careful with what you spend your money on. One reason that this the hardest part of living on your own is because if you want to go do something with your friends you can't because you don't have the money to spend and if you do …show more content…

What surprised me the most about living on your own is how much a house cost. The reason that the amount of a house surprised me was that I thought that a 1 room apartment was about $200. When I check to see how much a 1 bedroom apartment was it was between $400 and $500. This is what surprised me most about living on my own.

4) Now that you realize how much your parents are responsible for, does it change the way you feel about them?
Now that I have realized how much my parents have done it makes me appreciate them. One reason it makes it makes me appreciate my parents more is that all the things that I have I don't have to have. Another reason it makes me appreciate my parents more is that they do anything for me. This is how this experiment made me feel about my parents.

5)Are you grateful enough? What would your life be like if they didn’t see to all of these things?
I am grateful enough for everything that I get. My life would still be the same if I didn't see all of the things that I saw. I would probably be in the mindstate that I was in before thinking that a house and living on minimum wage is easy. This is what life would be like if I didn't see what I

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