Buddhism's Meaning To Live On The Eightfold Path

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This can be a step that Buddhists spend their whole lifetime trying to complete but suffering can be removed in increments. That means that happiness can be achieved by eliminating a little suffering at a time. Once all the suffering has been cut out of one’s life then complete happiness can be fulfilled. At this point a person has reached Enlightenment. This means the person has conquered the ultimate goal of Buddhism and they are now full of great wisdom and compassion. Once a person has reached this stage they are able to help others with their own journeys to this point. This is a phase that can be enjoyed during life instead of after death which is a belief that many other religions hold. Buddhists believe fully that Buddha found the answer …show more content…

This describes a life that doesn’t involve indulging and pleasures but also doesn’t mean the person has to be in pain and self- torment. The best way to describe this lifestyle is to live moderately. Buddha came to this conclusion because he had lived life on both sides of the extreme. At first, in his father’s palace, he lived in luxury but once he became a monk he lived in self torment and even starved himself. Both of these lifestyles taught him a lesson on how a person should actually live to reach peace and happiness. The next part of this truth is the steps of the Eightfold Path. These were created by Buddha to help cure both physical and mental suffering. He made sure people knew that it would only work for them if they were responsible and applied it to their lives. The Eightfold Path involves eight steps that are divided into three main groups: good conduct, mental development, and wisdom. Under the group of good conduct the three steps are right speech, right action, and right livelihood. Speech is unique to mankind and should be used appropriately. By following this step Buddhists are expected to control their speech from lies and harsh words but instead speak the truth and sensibly. Right action is exactly what it sounds like, it involves

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