Buddhism Religion

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Buddhism is one of the fastest growing religions in the world today. This is the result of many people seeking answers about the global phenomena such as senseless violent acts, strife between different communities and races, suffering, death, etc. One may ask, why are people now turning to Buddhism to find the answers to these questions? For all one knows, Buddhism may be appealing to many individuals because they are now realizing that Buddhism is a religion that stresses the importance of kindness, acceptance, and peace. It teaches people to take full responsibility for their actions. Last, but, not least, it allows people to develop a highly spiritual version of themselves they did not know existed.
Buddhism is a religion that stresses the importance of peace, kindness, and acceptance. Since the origin of Buddhism in India, not once did we have accounts of people taking part in violence acts as a result of the religion. This is because we don’t have monks or anyone who practices Buddhism forcing everyone to convert to their religion. The practices of Buddhism have evolved as they are spread from different regions, but, different Buddhist groups accept each other, although they might have a …show more content…

According to the Buddha, we determined the life we are living now from our previous actions in our past lives. Since Buddhism is a nontheistic religion, it does not blame a deity for the conflicts taking place in this world whether they are good or bad. It teaches us that we are responsible for our future. In a world where people are constantly trying to change one another, we have to be our own teachers; we have to go out of our way and seek those answers and experiences for ourselves. Most importantly, it does not rely on blind faith for the answers to the world’s problem, but it teaches us to question and investigate many teachings and to develop acceptance for what we understand as

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