Buddhism In America Essay

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Addressing a theme that is related to the growth and development of Buddhism is Asian immigration and Asian American communities. I analyzed immigration between Asians and Latinos immigration. Furthermore, I will be focusing on the growth and how it helped develop Buddhism in America. The impact of immigration could have help Buddhism in America grow and have individuals interest in Buddhism. To conclude, I will determine if the impact of immigration helped Buddhism in America grow. Sharing similarity between immigration with Latinos and Asian and within religion. When leaving their homelands, individuals could have their own reasons to living their homeland and come to America. Asians brought their cultures and their religion to American …show more content…

No matter what someone or somebody might try to do to stop someone coming to America there’s a way. Going back to the Muslim ban today and connecting it with the Asian Act both had their place of worship to be attacked or vandalize. Seeing connections with the past the present are still around in the world today. Perseverance, people come to America to escape war, etc, that happens in their homelands. The acts could have impacted the growth in Buddhism in America for numerous of reasons. One, would be once the act could allow immigrates to come in America. Two, the growth in the culture could impact interest to those who aren’t Asian. Three, the difference between the old and new, for instance, those who are immigrates and their children are America. Going back to one the growth of immigrates back to America brings tradition, nonetheless new culture. Those who aren’t Asian can develop an interest in their culture, nonetheless Buddhism. The difference between old and new, for instance, Issei and Nisei, in Issei there was a short percent that took Issei while others took Christianity. Nisei spoke about the challenges of living in two worlds. Relating back to Latinos and Asians, when the Spaniards came to what is known as Mexico today, they changed the indigenous religion to Christianity. Coming to America people want to fit in or change something. Nisei spoke of two worlds, these two worlds can be two cultures,

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