Bud Caldwell's Rules

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Bud Caldwell’s Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself,” is written by Bud Caldwell, an orphan in Flint, Michigan. He makes these rules as he learns that he has to do something in order to achieve what he needs. Bud Caldwell has gone through challenges since the age of 6, and tries to survive in a world that discriminates and treats the orphans unfairly. In this book, he remains to live and survive by using the rules he has made. Bud’s rules especially #118, 3, and 8 shows that he used his rules to survive. First, by seeing the rule #118, which is about not telling adults what he actually likes, and by that we can know that Bud has learned that adults will hurt him by taking things away from him. He does not want to get hurt or get taken away his precious things, he lies about what he likes. Getting hurt by precious things taken away can remain as a wound that stays there for a very long time. For example, in Amos’s home, if he said the truth about Todd, he might have gotten into a bigger problem because Mrs. and Mr. Amos would have thought that Bud was a big liar. This rule shows his rules were used to survive. …show more content…

This lie can relate to the rule #118, which is about lying to get protected from treasured items took away. In this case, he has to make it simple for him to remember because if he forgets what he lied about, there is a big chance for Bud to be found that he lied. If he does, he would get in bigger trouble and would be more distressed. In order to survive, we can see that he has to follow the rule

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