Brothers Are The Same Analysis

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In the Language Book of Literature there are two amazing stories; One theres “Through

The Tunnel” by Doris Lessing, and the second story is “Brothers Are The Same”, by Beryl

Markham. These boys turn into men but sometimes others need to see an accomplishment to

believe it. In the story through the tunnel, jerry is an 11 year old boy with his mom on vacation

(mother has no name). Brothers Are the Same the story isn't really what you'd think it would be.

These brothers are Temas and Medato and are in the Masai tribe in Africa. All these boys have

personality and life like similarities.

Jerry is a very individual kind of person, likes to be alone, find out things by himself, and

defeat things himself. Jerrys mom is very up tight …show more content…

Finally it was Temas’s time. All Temas had was a sword, shield, and a spear to fight this

lion. Medoto was the most brave boy in the village and everyone knew the lion would charge at

him. Temas has always been terrified of failing in Medoto’s eyes, so when this moment came,

all Temas thought to himself was “ I will fail, I should fail.” (Markham 365p). The silence of the

waking lion finally crawled to them and Temas was shaking. The lion looks at Temas, when

suddenly Medoto throws at rock at the lion. Medoto was standing right behind the Temas. The

lion attacks Temas and gets dragged away into the deep grass, that's when Temas finds the

Masai sword. Temas defeated the lion at once. Finally Medoto gave Temas a belt and states “

it's no good to lie, I wanted you to fail, but when I saw you hesitate I could not bear it because I

remembered my own hour of fear. It was then I threw the stone; not to shame you, but to save

you from shame. You are a greater warrior than I-than any- for who what the bravest would do

what you have done? “ (Markham 369p).

These two stories have many similarities. These 3 boys all had accomplishments they

were wanting to show to others. In Through the Tunnel Jerry was not expecting this obstacle

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