Bronies In Popular Media

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After reviewing a number of articles written by popular media outlets showing sympathy to the fandom, many journalists still often depict Bronies as lacking in aspects that would provide them greater legitimacy in the eyes of society. Gilbert concludes that, “Bronies are, in other words, depicted as inhabiting a diminished social position: they do not possess markers of economic power –a job, their own home- nor do they have power over their own sensibilities, needing addictive habits in order to face the world.” Research on this particular fan community is somewhat limited in my understanding due to its recent emergence into popularity. The academic research that does exist about the Brony community does not delve deeply into the fan tendencies that this dissertation wishes to explore. Numerous research articles discuss various aspects of the fandom; what Bronies mean for media consumption or how fans are portrayed in the media by those on the outside looking in. Research articles …show more content…

While the project is informal, it does contain a large sample population of over eighteen thousand participants and provides a rich data set. However, the report fails to discuss any kind of interpretive significance to the numbers that it collects. In regards to both surveys, the primary problem with the generalized findings is that they are not indicative of the total fan population and their proclivities. Both studies provide numbers that indicate the activities Bronies enjoy publicly or keep hidden from other people, but they do not go into the fan’s justification behind these activities. Other researchers look at how the community tries to construct their identity through the media text and other fans or how the participatory culture within the fandom is contributing to the show’s

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