Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Approach To Child Development

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This paper will look at Urie Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological approach to child development and how the microsystem, mesosystem,exosystem, macrosystem as well as the chronosystem influences a child's behavior and development. “The bioecological approach emphasizes the interconnectedness of the influences on development. Because the various levels are related to one another” (Feldman, 2017). Using this theory, one can understand the multilevel approach and how the interactive connections influence a child's growth. Moreover, awareness of variations and/or fluctuations in a system can result in a ripple effect, which in turn will affect development. Bronfenbrenner’s theory has been instrumental in understanding the systematic approach to a child’s …show more content…

Microsystem It is difficult to reflect on my life at an earlier age, especially since my teenage years were so long ago. Relying on memory I can place myself at thirteen years of age, living with my Mother, Father, Grandmother and three siblings. I was attending a public high school, which was traumatic to me, coming from a close-knit private Catholic elementary school. This school was multicultural, and I had African as well as Anglo, Asian and Hispanic American friends,

Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Approach 4

However, the teachers and nuns were predominantly Anglo-American. The surrounding community reflected the student body. …show more content…

Growing up, that environment was beneficial in many ways, such as having a more knowledgeable other, someone who had a better understanding in respect to a particular concept or problem. This could have been a parent, sibling, peer or teacher. Which leads us to the second principle of Vygotsky's theory,the zone of proximal development. His concept addresses the difference between what a child can achieve independently versus the possibilities of guided achievement. This was clearly the case in my childhood, I worked well independently although better with guidance.Which reminds me of the famous Beetle’s lyric, “I get by with a little help from my friends” (1967).This cooperative or collaborative relationship allowed for a comprehensive understanding while facilitating higher levels of cognition. This, of course, can also be attributed to

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