Broken Window Case Study

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James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling as social scientist developed a criminology theory called Broken Window. Based on experiments done with interactions by police officers and civilians to study the effects of policing vandalism, crime, and anti-social behavior. Believing that if police were to control public drinking, small infractions of the law, and vandalism, public behavior would change for the positive. A study where a car had a broken window left parked idle, would of be subject to vandalism rapidly, oppose to an intact car. The same concept was done for empty buildings where looters had easy access and would create much unwanted debris and fires, attracting yet more looters. Resulting in the city decay for the high rates of crime …show more content…

A car was left parked with the hood open and no license plates. In the Bronx the car was vandalized rather quickly, after 24 hours nothing of value was left in the car. In the upper class city of Palo Alto the car was left intact for more than a week, therefor Zimbardo holding a sledgehammer smashed the windows, in no time people gather to join in destroying the car. Interestingly was noted that in both cases the adults that vandalized the cars were well dressed and looked like respectable individuals. Hence, when a neighborhood is rundown more vandals would gather together and the crime rate would rise. At the George Mason University research has been published of of the findings, the University and linked those sources that analyzing the …show more content…

Mainly because the law was directed to minorities, consisting mainly of Blacks and Latinos. The measurements were too aggressive, and many young people was left tagged as dangerous people permanently. However, the theory has been revised, and actualized to create a better program for police officers. Some of these are that the community participates with law officials to act as a team. Is being proven that when a person feels that the place where they live is important, then they tend to protect it and are more vigilant to detect vandals to calling police officers for help to keep order in the community. As the Problem-Oriented Policy is stated in the CJ 2015, chapter 5, page

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