Bridge From Me To You By Lisa Schroeder

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The Bridge from me to you by Lisa Schroeder is a book written about love, family, and football. The book is a romance story, not only about a boy and a girl who meet, but also about the love of family and trying to hold a family together. The setting is in Willow, Oregon and the time flows through the end of summer (Early August) through the school year. Lauren is seventeen and could be described as antisocial or a loner, but deep down she is neither of those things. Lauren doesn't understand what it is like to have a loving family or have friends due to her childhood. She has never gone out of her way to reach out to someone before, that is until she met Colby. Colby is a star football player at his school, but he wants more than just …show more content…

Her mother wasn’t suited to be a mom, she would often say things to :Lauren like “Be a good girl or you will have to find someone else to love you.” Lauren wasn’t the only child that had to live with the crude woman. Matthew, a baby, also lived with Lauren and her mom. Lauren’s parents were divorced and her father was remarried, but he still cared for his children. One day Matthew wouldn’t stop crying and Lauren’s mother went in the back room and began to choke the baby. Lauren was only a child, so she called the police on her mother. Lauren was scared that what she had done was wrong, so she covered up for her mom and told the police that she got mad at her brother and began to shake him around by his neck. Lauren took the fall for her mother, and soon after was sent to live with her aunt and uncle in Willow, because her mother said she was too ‘dangerous’ to be in her life or around …show more content…

In one scene of the book Colby confesses to Lauren that he has a fascination with bridges, and Lauren was the first person he had ever told that too. Lauren didn't find it weird, but fascinating at how much he knew about bridges. They bonded over that because it was at the beginning of their friendship while they still didn't know many things about each other. The main theme of this book is that family is important and no matter how broken it might be, it is worth saving and many times there is someone who is willing to go through it with you and stick with you no matter how things turn out. My favorite part of the book is the ending, when Benny is able to walk again and come watch his best friend play football for him. It is also one of my favorites because Lauren was thinking about going to live with her mother again, but didn't go because she believed she had a better place to be; In Willow, Oregon. The WIllow Eagles won the state championship, and Lauren and COlby found peace

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