Brené Brown's Importance Of A Personal Brand

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Introduction When speaker Brené Brown was about to give a talk, the event coordinator struggled with calling her a “researcher,” saying that people might not want to come because they would think she was “boring and irrelevant.” Instead, she wanted to call her a “storyteller” since she thought Brene´Brown’s story-telling abilities were a highpoint. Brown’s academic insecurity was not satisfied in simply being called a “storyteller.” She decided her qualitative research was, in actuality, collecting stories and concluded, stories, were “data with a soul.” She then embraced the title “Researcher-Story-teller,” which combined her unique abilities (Brown, 2010). Building our own personal brand is a combination of strengths; its “what makes us …show more content…

He also talks about effective branding being based in authenticity. He advocates being ourselves, saying we are at our most confident when we are being our true selves. “One of the greatest joys of human existence is to find your true place,” says author, Brian Tracy (Tracy, 2012). Allowing ourselves to be who we were meant to be helps us synchronize our wants, needs and purpose. Walking in our purpose translates into value for those we serve. Increasing awareness of a personal and unique identity distinguishes us from the pack. A brand mantra differs from a tagline, explains Guy Kawasaki, as a mantra describes internal business, a standard for a company to abide by. A tagline is for customers and what they can expect to be delivered (Martinuzzi, 2014). John Jantsch, founder of Duct Tape Marketing defines branding "the art of becoming knowable, likable and trustable” (Martinuzzi, 2014). Many specialists on the subject agree that trust building is essential in success. Being honest is one of the top five steps Forbe’s advises when it comes to brand building (Biro, 2013). Some suggestions to follow from, How to Build an Unforgettable Personal Brand (2014) include, making sure customers are provided what is promised, leading with unwavering quality and being consistent in making good on one’s word. The article also warns that the public will assign a default brand if a …show more content…

On the other hand it has made it much more competitive for viewers attention. Creating a unique brand, utilizing all the tools available and being consistent can offer a good return. Blogs, digital portfolios and CV’s are some of the ways to gain identity exposure. A personal brand-building course from Udemy offers lectures explaining how to get the most out of each of the media platforms, such as, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. Those are just a few of many, but the course also explains how to be the first on emerging platforms. Because technology is frequently changing, keeping up with trends is important to online presence. Today, it is common to add personal blogs and social media links on websites or interactive portfolios. There is the benefit of increased identity coverage, but maintaining consistency in personal and professional presence is essential. Showing a more human side might be a positive attraction to some audiences, but revealing too much or inappropriate content could be a pitfall. Applying Course Outcomes to My Goals and

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