Bread givers

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In Anzia Yezierska’s novel entitled Bread Givers, there is an apparent conflict between Reb Smolinsky, a devout Orthodox rabbi of the Old World, and his daughter Sara who yearns to associate and belong to the New World. Throughout the story, one learns about the hardships of living in poverty, the unjust treatment of women, and the growth of a very strong willed and determined young woman—Sara Smolinsky.
After leaving Poland to venture out into the New World of America, the Smolinsky family endured impoverished lifestyles and countless hardships. For example, After an incident between Reb and the landlady (which made Reb revered), boarders began to occupy the Smolinsky family’s place, the three sisters Bessie, Fania, and Mashah had jobs, and they could purchase things they could have never afforded. These possessions included butter, regular towels, “toothbrushes[…] to brush [their] teeth with, instead of ashes”, and “separate knives and forks instead of” eating “from the pot to the hand as [they] once did” (29). Today, these are belongings that must people have in their everyday lives. To have them marvel at these material things further emphasizes the poor life they were so used to. In addition, when Bessie (Sara’s sister) dolls up the house with lace, oilcloths for the table, and cleans up all the clutter in the house for a man named Berel Bernstein, the mother suggests that they cover up the whiteness so as to prevent it from getting dirty. The mother warns the sisters not to “fly away with [themselves] in fairyland” because “[they’re] poor people yet…and poor people got to save”(39). Their family had to withhold any pleasures in material things because they did not have time to impress others. All of the family members’ wages went to the rent and what little food they had to eat. It was not realistic for them to be worrying about material possessions when they worry so much about where to get the money to put breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the table. Furthermore, Reb was always fixed in being the matchmaker for his children. He always made sure that the men they would marry was stable in their work, and that could support the rest of the family as well. There was a situation with Berel Bernstein in which Reb asked that if Berel was to marry Bessie, Berel would have to fork up some money to he...

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...nt in such simple things further emphasizes the various hardships she had faced while growing up. In a way, she does adopt an American identity by taking advantage of what America had to offer. There was nothing wrong in Sara appreciating the riches of what awaited her outside of Hester Street. In the end, Sara does not sacrifice her European roots in exchange for an American way of life. Sara simply fuses the two cultures to create a new “Sara” who was successful because of her hard work and dedication to stay true to her dreams. This is proven by the fact that throughout all her father had put her through, she still wanted her father to be involved in her life by taking him into her home. She even allowed her significant other Hugo Seelig, to ask Reb if he could teach him Hebrew and their religion. In the end of the novel, Sara states that “it wasn’t just [her] father” whose shadow was still upon her, “but the generations who made [her] father whose weight was still upon [her]”. Sara is proof that even though she may have become assimilated to a New World, the Old World will always be a part of who she is.

Work Cited
Yezierska, Anzia. Bread Givers. New York: Persea Books, 1999.

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