William Wallace Is A Hero Essay

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“They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom.” The famous words from the famous Scottish knight William Wallace. In the thrilling, five oscar winning film, Braveheart, William Wallace showed his true colors and his true bravery through every single scene. He shows both Anglo-Saxon and epic hero characteristics. He truly never seized to amaze all the people he led. The way he carried himself was what made all the people want to follow. This is what made William Wallace the greatest hero of all time .William Wallace showed great loyalty, bravery, generosity, friendship, strength, good ethics, and was extremely glorified.
William Wallace is more than just an Anglo-Saxon and an epic hero. He saved the lives of many and always stayed true to his people. In the ways …show more content…

He led his entire country of people he had on his side who all were fighting for the same cause: freedom. In the big battle that took place, Wallace felt like he had come off on top. Though they were very outnumbered, Wallace and his people gave it all they had and came out victorious (Braveheart). This great battle led by William Wallace was known as the Battle of Stirling Bridge. The glory Wallace felt was nothing compared to the freedom his whole army felt coming. Wallace’s strength was tested numerous times. Even in the times he was faced with a decision, he knew no matter what happened or what was offered, he would continue to fight for his cause. When the Longshanks attempt to offer Wallace gold, land, and a title in exchange for him to stop fighting, Wallace quickly turns it down because giving up would not help his cause or help his people (Braveheart). In the long run, Wallace has the strength to put everyone else first before himself because he knows helping his people will ultimately be the best victory for him. This shows his loyalty as well. If he gave up, he would be showing that he is a coward. Wallace refused to go down like

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