Brave New World Persuasive Essay

686 Words2 Pages

David Jaeder

Brave New World

Mrs. Curtis


Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World in 1931 during the Great Depression in America a period not unlike what the current economic situation is in the USA today. Is Huxley's purpose meaningful in writing this work? In actuality it's even more relevant today than ever as people unthinkingly roam time in senseless entertainment, sports, and social media. News media outlets are very selective in which events to report and broadcast. Advertisements broadcast hidden conditions people consume on a daily basis. People much rather retreat using anti-depressants and other drugs than confronting their trauma of life as John did. This was the only way people coped in the New World, seeking …show more content…

The most universal drug used was Soma. Soma clouds numbs reality and replaces them with happy hallucinations; it's a tool for promoting social stability. In the World State the government attempts to destroy all kinds of “human truths”such as: love, friendship, and personal connection. Shakespeare of John demonstrate by viewing Lenina. Is he seeing it through Shakespeare's eyes first as a Juliet, and later as an “impudent strumpet?” According to Mustapha Mond believes that people in the World State are better off with happiness than with truth. Mond’s argument is that happiness refers to every citizen’s desire for food, sex, drugs, materialistic items. What Mond sees in society as fake and not realistic. As a young man, Mustapha Mond became enraptured with the delight of making discoveries, just as John loves the language and intensity of Shakespeare. The desire for the truth, involves an unconditional amount of individual effort, of striving and fighting through adversity. The communal society of "Brave New World" is based upon oblivion and lack of thought. The lack of insight cannot exist, thus the willingness to search for truth is an individual desire. Truth and individuality intertwine together in the novel’s confined

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