Brave New World Excerpt

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Do you ever wonder about how it would be like to live in a society that has achieved peace? In "The Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley the story tells of a society that has obtained peace, but at a price. All problems in the society are solved by medication that is given to the people monthly and also taken on a daily basis. Art, science, and even religion are not part of the societies values. They believe those values lead to unhappiness. The excerpt has an exceptional plot and a great use of the literary elements. Also the literary techniques in the excerpt are put to good use. Teenagers can easily relate to "The Brave New World" by how the protagonist wants to rebel from the societies values, like most teens do.

First off, the …show more content…

Those words indicate that both characters poses a high sophisticated vocabulary. Unlike the Controller and Mustapha Mond, the Savage uses standard vocabulary words; this shows that the Savage has and average vocabulary. The vocabulary that differs between characters shows that the Savage isn't part of the society or from around there. Mustapha Mond says to the Savage "In a properly organized society like ours" which indicates the society is well educated and how the Controller and Mustapha Mond obtained the vocabulary that sets the tone. The Savage asks "Isn't there something in living dangerously?" and the Controller replied with "'There's a great deal in it,' the Controller replied. 'Men and women must have their adrenals stimulated from time to time.'" the response that the Controller gives sets a serious tone by the first few words he says "There's a great deal in it," Those words don't sound like he's answering the question lightly. Another indication that the tone is serious is when the Controller and Mustapha Mond use high vocabulary words to explain to the Savage how the society has maintained happiness. They didn't explain or respond to him using standard vocabulary words like they would if a ordinary conversation was taking …show more content…

The author seemed to have sided with the Savage in the excerpt. The Controller and Mustapha Mond explained to the Savage that everyone in the society couldn't handle conflicts on their own or experience fear and rage naturally; they needed medication to help them. Even though the medication made everyone virtuous, it's obvious to see that it was the problem. I would say between the Savage and the Controller, I would choose the Savages side. I would rather have a realistic society with problems than a society that takes medication that makes artificial happiness and morality. "The Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley reminded me of the movie "Demolition Man" directed by Marco Brambilla. In "The Brave New World" and "Demolition Man" both Protagonist didn't agree with societies values. What differs between "The Brave New World" and "Demolition Man" is that in "The Brave New World" the protagonist was told that medication was used to make the ideal society; in "Demolition Man" the protagonist sees that the advancement of technology is what makes the society ideal. Both "The Brave New World" and "Demolition Man" share the same message of artificial happiness and morality create an illusion ideal society. In my opinion "Demolition Man" had a better way of getting the audience to understand the message that was being showed. The

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