Brand Management; Influence on Consumers’ Behaviour and Satisfaction

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When people go to a store in order to buy food or commodities, they are faced with a problem of a wide choice of goods because nowadays there is a huge range of different producers. Moreover, all of them try to be recognized on the market by creating a significant image. As a result, companies create own brands. According to American Marketing Association (2013), a brand is “a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.” Also, the process of creating connection or association between emotional perception of the consumer and company’s product with target of creating distinction and building loyalty has known as a brand management (Hislop, 2001). For instance when someone mentions Apple, most people instantly think about high quality and high-tech. Another example is Coca-cola. This company many years has and develops long-term relationships with customers by not only selling cold drinks but also providing a lifestyle. That means that loyal customers are satisfied with added value that the company offers instead of other companies (Bergström, Landgren & Müntzing, 2010). Hence, brand management influences consumers’ behaviour and satisfaction by creating brand identity and loyalty.
First of all, the consumers' perception of a brand is highly dependent from brand identity. Bjerre et al. (2009) have created an own model of brand identity when they divided brand identity into internal and external parts (as cited in Bergström, Landgren & Müntzing, 2010). Brand image is a basic external component of the brand identity. Janonis & Virvilaitė (2007) claim “the conception of brand image combines the identification of brand image with intangible assets...

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