Boy n the Hood and Delinquency

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Juvenile delinquency is a problem in society. The amount of crimes committed by juveniles has gone down in the past 20 years, but it is still considered a big issue. It is believed by some people that a criminal starts young and any kid who commits crimes will grow up to be a criminal, but crimes among juveniles usually don't last for long. Most juveniles who commit crimes or status offenses, things that are only illegal because they are under the age of 18, are only Adolescent-Limited Offenders that grow out of it and become well-rounded adults. The ones who are real trouble are the ones that keep on committing crimes even when they become adults or what is called Life-Course Persistent Offenders. These are the ones that are seen to grow up and become the criminals that commit violent crimes like rape, murder robbery, and assault. In the movie Boyz n the Hood, you see different characters that portray both of these roles. When watching the movie you see certain sociological theories that explain why these kids commit crimes and why they don't. There are many different reasons people have come up with that tries to explain why juveniles become delinquent, but the ones that really get portrayed in the movie are Robert Agnew's General Strain Theory and Ronald Akers Social Learning Theory. Both of these theories present themselves in many ways in the movie. There are many more theories that might apply to this movie, but general strain theory and social learning theory are the most prevalent in Boyz n the Hood. This movie shows a lot of different examples of why different sociological factors might cause juveniles to become delinquent.
Boyz in the Hood is a 1991 crime and drama film that is directed and written by John Singleton. ...

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...the group who murdered Ricky whereas Doughboy, a person with weak conditioning factors, did and eventually got himself killed. This is a great movie that shows the different ways juveniles become delinquent. The most important factors that contribute to this delinquency is family background. The more involved and supportive the parent is the more likely they are not going to commit delinquent act. Having a good family background leads to bad things being punished and good acts being rewarded. The family also teach the juveniles different conditioning factors that helps them deal with emotions correctly. Juveniles delinquency is something that need to be studied to find out what is causing it. there are many different reason that could be correct When we combat these different reason we are able to help everyone. This help will make the world a better and safer place.

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