Boxer In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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“Animal Farm” by George Orwell shows a character that touches the hearts of many when they read this book, Boxer the hard working horse. Boxer is the hardest working animal on the farm this is shown through his work ethic, his perseverance, and through his actions. Boxers character in “Animal Farm” is a horse, horses in real life are portrayed as strong animals, and in Animal Farm Boxer is no different. Boxer stands and 6ft tall and is always working harder than the day before on the farm. His perseverance through his lifetime was never ending, he always lived by the quote, “I will work harder,” and through the whole story that is what he did, and he was able to do so because he was very naive to what Napoleon, and the rest of the pigs were doing. Through …show more content…

Boxer was easily brainwashed by the pigs on the farm. The one time, and only time, Boxer became skeptical of what the pig were doing was when Napoleon had Snowball chased out by his dogs. This is when Boxers slogan of “Napoleon is always right”(56) came into the story, because Squealer was able to twist what Boxer was feeling. By the fact he was easily brainwashed, he never realized until the end that he was really being used by the pigs, because of his hard work ethic, and so much of perseverance that he had. Boxer had worked himself so much that he had damaged his lungs. But even as he was very injured, he was still very much a hard worker because he said, “...I think you will be able to finish the windmill without me. There is a pretty good store of stone accumulated.”(119) A few days later a horse slaughter and glue truck arrived, and started to take Boxer away, in this moment he realizes from Benjamin, the donkey that is friends with Boxer, that he is being taken away and he realizes what has been going on the farm. He tries to get out and doesn’t succeed, and this is a powerful moment in the book, because all hope is lost in Animal

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