Bowlby's Theory Of Attachment Essay

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I feel Bowlby’s theory of attachment is really important in relation to supporting children through transitions. I think this because during the time I have spent in placements I have seen children bound more with a certain practitioner this is more than often their key person. Bowlby believed that ‘early attachments was very important’ (Meggitt.C et al, 2011, p80) the first ever attachment will be made within the first few months of being born. This will normally be with a parent or guardian e.g. mother, grandad. When this attachment is formed the child knows that its basic need such as shelter, food, warmth etc. Bowlby felt that if the child and attachment is separated for a short while within the first few years of its life then it could produce long term and irreversible negative effects on the child’s social, emotional and cognitive development. If this is the case placing children in a day care setting would be damaging for the children. This is why it is good to have a key person so that when they are away from their first attachment they have another attachment to a practitioner in a setting.
Some day care can be beneficial for the children as they offer great facilities and have positive effects on the child rather than having negative effects. Day care is not a replacement of a family it is there to work with the family and complement the …show more content…

However in my setting a key person for a few children left but because the children where advanced in their development their key worker leaving didn’t affect them. I think this is because they feel comfortable in the setting with or without their key person being there. This can be improved if the children a prepared for when their key person leave so that it doesn’t come as a surprise to them and cause a lot of

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