Bottom in A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare

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Bottom in A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare Nick Bottom is a working class citizen of Athens. By day he is a weaver but as night falls he is an amateur actor. Bottom is part of an acting group with Flute, Quince, Snug, Starveling and Snout. Their role in the play is to perform an interlude before the Duke and Duchess on their wedding day. Bottom is one of the most important characters in the play because he is the only one who interacts with the three groups, the fairies, the court and the mechanicals. I believe that if Bottom were taken out of the play it would fall apart. This is because most of the play is based around him and his antics. When we first meet Nick in Act 1 Scene 2, he is extremely bossy and obnoxious especially towards Peter Quince. We know this because he interrupts with lines like “You were best to call them generally, man by man, according to the scrip.” Or “And I may hide my face, let me play Thisbe too.” During this scene we also get to see a glimpse of his acting skills whilst he is showing off to the rest of the group. Throughout the play Bottom gets his words mixed up for example “We will meet, and there we may rehearse most obscenely and courageously.” In Act 3 Scene 1 Bottom seems to have calmed down a bit since when we last saw him. During this scene we see a different side to Bottom, he shows his clever side. He does this by sharing the problems the play might face and how to solve them. For instance Pyramus and Thisbe meet by moonlight the problem is how to get or show moonlight indoors. He has the idea to leave a casement of the great chamber open so the moon can shine in. He also solves the problem of how to represent a wall.

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