Bottlenose Dolphin Research Paper

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A bottlenose dolphin is an endothermic mammal that gives birth to live young. Bottlenose dolphins are the most common and well known type of dolphin. The name bottlenose describes this species of dolphin as they have a short, stubby beak (bottle-like shape). A bottlenose dolphin is a cetacean, which means it is a marine mammal. They are also one of the most-commonly studied cetacean because they live near coasts and adjust well to captivity. It’s Genus and Species names are; Tursiops Truncatus.
A bottlenose dolphin’s pectoral flippers are used to steer and stop. The lobes of the dolphin’s tail are called “flukes”. The dorsal fin helps the dolphin maintain its balance as it swims. Muscles of the back help the dolphin flow through water.
A bottlenose dolphin lives in bodies of water all around the world. They live in groups of 10-30 dolphins which are called “pods”. Some dolphins offshore have been seen in groups of several hundred, these groups are called “herds”. As you can tell bottlenose dolphins are very social.
The endangered status of a bottlenose dolphin is; not endangered. Although they are considered “not endangered” they still have their fair share of problems. Many of the issues they face are a result of human impact on the ocean environment. Such as pollution, fishing gear and boats, and hunting in Japan and Taiwan.
Bottlenose dolphins are carnivores that eat a variety of fish, squid, and crustaceans such as shrimp. They can eat up from 15-30 pounds of food a day. They hunt using echolocation. According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary echolocation is a physiological process for locating distant or invisible objects by sound waves reflected back to the emitter from the objects. Bottlenose d...

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...r in its lungs. It opens the flap and starts to breathe just as it reaches the surface. Inhaling and exhaling takes about three-tenths of a second for a bottlenose dolphin.
Similar animals to a bottlenose dolphin include; Whales, porpoises, other species of dolphin. Some people are surprised to learn that the orca (killer whale) is considered a dolphin. There are three subspecies of bottlenose dolphin; Atlantic bottlenose dolphin, Pacific bottlenose dolphin, and the Southern Hemisphere bottlenose dolphin. There is also the pink bottlenose dolphin.
As you can tell dolphins in general are very interesting creatures. There are many different ways you can learn about them. As I mentioned in my essay dolphins are fighting pollution and many other issues, and there are ways you can fix them! So help save our oceans there are many beautiful creatures living in the water!

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