Botox Controversy

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Botox is a popular prescription drug that can be injected and used for many medical and cosmetic treatments and is used by individuals all over the world. The application is the most popular cosmetic surgery treatment with more that six million treatments given each year. Botox is used by people who are wanting to look younger, boost their ego, or for social reasons. “Singh, Hankins, Dulku, and Kelly conducted a study focused on the psychological aspects of Botox that showed, Botox subjects had higher expectation scores than worry scores, showing that the decision to get the treatment involves weighing risks and perceived benefits, which was hypothesized by the researchers prior to the study” (Whalen). The drug is used more for psychological reasons than for medical reasons.
“Botox is a neurotoxin derived from Clostridium botulinum, an organism found in the natural environment where it is largely inactive and non-toxic” (Nichols). It temporarily paralyzes the muscles. Clostridium botulinum can be found in the forest and cultivated soils, and in the sediments of lakes, streams and untreated waters. The bacteria can be found also in the intestines of mammals and fish. It can also be found in the organs of crabs and other shellfish. This …show more content…

Even though patients are requesting all these services, experts caution that you should always make sure you are receiving services from a trained and certified professional. Botox clinics are popping up everywhere and people need to be aware of unlicensed individuals who want to reap the rewards of getting rich. There are serious side effects and even deaths that have occurred from these injections. Some of the side effects include trouble breathing and swallowing, blurred vision, muscle weakness, headaches and even potential brow and lid

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