Boo's Rumors In To Kill A Mockingbird

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One thing Scout and Jem learn are people and events aren't always the same as we believe. At the beginning of the book both Scout and Jem are afraid of Boo Radley. In the town Boo is referred to as a malevolent phantom and is feared by most children. The children make many quick judgments about Boo from the rumors they have heard. Dill who doesn’t even live in Maycomb has heard the rumors and has made a snap judgment about him. “I hope you've got it threw your head that he’ll kill us each and every one” (Lee 14). Dill doesn’t know or understand what happens Boo’s life. This is just the imagination of a seven year old running wild after hearing so many rumors. Because of all the rumors they have heard and believed the kids are afraid of Boo

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