Books Like Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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Fiction can change the way one looks at the world and can form the beliefs of many across the globe. Libraries are filled with the thoughts and beliefs of people who have a story to tell and hopes of inspiring a nation. The district is petitioning to remove fiction for the curriculum, despite the fact that they lack the proper research on the importance of fiction in school. Many people believe that fictional pieces are just as important as nonfiction pieces. In fact, many of the greatest minds were inspired by fiction feeding their creativity, producing inventions that could only be conjured out of an open mind. The thoughts of such people are passed along and shared through the brilliance of books. The removal of said books causes one to conclude that the district is silencing our freedom of speech.
As we see in books like Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury the government seem to take control and censor what people know and believe. Many lessons are not only taught in fictional literature, but can also be found in real life situations. Without prime uses of imagination, the youth of today might grow up lacking an essential elements in their development. Researchers have found that the use of imagination by a child is essential to their development. These scientists say that children 's cognitive development is largely factored upon the child 's imagination and creative abilities. With district censorship, one is only left to ponder the ignorance of the school system. The district believes that some books are not “school friendly” because they teach children about animals who talk, mythical beings, and far off places that are simply figments of the imagination. To the ill-informed, the stories give children an unrealistic sense of r...

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...“ The Importance of Imagination in Child Development” teach us that we need authors of fictional stories to teach us how to think out of the box and think the unthinkable. Not only are these stories enjoyable, but now we find that they are beneficial. These lessons are in life, yes, but the fictional story has a way of transporting the reader to far off places.

In conclusion, fiction is essential to everyday life, not only for pleasure, but in fact for developmental health. Despite the ignorance of the school system, fiction books should be left on the shelves for the children of tomorrow to read and enjoy. One can state that removing fictional books from the curriculum is violating the first amendment of our constitution which gives all Americans freedom of speech. By removing these books the school system is oppressing the voices of the authors behind the books.

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