Book Review of The Internet Incident by Ian Probert

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Book Review of The Internet Incident by Ian Probert Works Cited Missing The book "Internet incident", by Ian Probert, is a great book. It is an in-depth, fast-paced novel about computer hacking. If you're into that sort of thing, then you'll love this book. The main character in the book was at the home of his friend, Karl. Karl shows the boy (who remained unnamed throughout the book) the Internet. The boy was fascinated. However, the boy's interest was defeated when he found out that the man was spying. He quickly ran out. This isn't the most impossible book to read, topping out at under one hundred pages, but it is a good one. Chapter 1 At the beginning of the book, the writer puts you in the eyes of the character and makes you feel as you were there and makes you want keep reading "I ran .I ran as fast as my legs could carry me."(Page 1 ) this is a fine way to start, you really want to find out why and who is running. The writer does a great job when describing the atmosphere "the icy winter burned my face" (line 5) as the story keeps on going we are introduced with new characters at first we get Karl Muller which the boy starts to remember of "and could still see the terrified eyes of poor, harmless Karl Muller" and we don't hear from Karl Muller until later . Then we find out that the beginning was not actually the beginning .The story it self is very enjoyable as it contains lots of fictional and non fictional information set in Germany in the mid-80's and however by now the information it's out of date. When the boy starts to think back, we know he is telling the story from his point of view and puts us... ... middle of paper ... ...ey thought that the boy was a hacker The kidnappers told the boy to give Helmut a message . chapter8 The boy didn't give the message to Helmut. Karl told the boy something about Helmut "he's a very dangerous guy" (p46) Chapter 9 On School holidays the boy sees smoke on the park coming from the distance and realizes that it was Karl's car and the driver was still in, it was Helmut burned in the car. Chapter 10 The boy goes running into Karl's apartment and tells him what he saw then they hear some one knocking on the door, it was the police and FBI Karl gets arrested for computer piracy and the boy manages to escape Chapter11 The boy tells us that all this has happened almost ten years ago And we realize that the beginning it's actually the end and it starts to make sense.

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