Book Report On Secret Life Of Bees By Sue Monk Kidd

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D. Leisure-Time Activities

What is the most stimulating book or article (other than those for school assignments) you have read in the last six months? Why did you find it stimulating?

The most stimulating book that I have read was Secret Life of Bees, by Sue Monk Kidd. This novel is a coming of age story focusing on a younger girl named Lily. She deals with many trials and tribulations throughout the book which causes her to learn more about herself. Like, Lily, I have dealt with many things in my life that have made me feel worthless and unimportant. However, with the love and support of those around me, I have learned how to love myself more. Secret Life of Bees spoke to me since I felt like I related to the main character, for example, …show more content…

There is a difference between running at practice/meet and running for fun. There is no pressure to run out someone; it is just me and the outdoors. The wind is blowing through my hair, and the sun is beating down upon my face, it is very soothing. I will run in my neighborhood, or I will drive to a local park. Changing up the scenery is a great way to make my long runs more attractive. Especially in autumn, when the leaves are starting to change it is quite beautiful. While running, it is like I am escaping reality and for that moment in time, nothing else matters. Sometimes it is hard to take time for myself, but I would not change my life. My classes might be stressful, but I love challenging myself. It is not fun taking the easy way out. If I did not do track, take on a big class load and work then I would have too much time on my hands. I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Also, the relaxation and the time my friends and I spend together would not be as special because it would be an everyday thing. But when I finally get a chance to a take a breather it feels so good to take time for …show more content…

Since I was in the first grade, I have been a part of the Girl Scouts, which has caused me to make a positive difference in my community. Participating in Girl Scouts has enabled me to engage in many fundraisers and charity events. While I was a part of scouting every year around Christmas time my troop and I would set up an event feeding the homeless at a local church. Serving and talking to different men and women caused me to reflect on my life and made me realize that I should be more grateful for what I have. My life is not as hard as others, and it is nice to give back to those who deserve

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