Bonneville High School's Student Council: School Spirit

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School spirit is crucial for the true high school experience to thrive. Schools put on activities that are interactive and fun for their students in hopes that students school spirit will increase. Bonneville High School’s student council believes that by providing numerous activities they will be able to create a stronger sense of school spirit, which will build and unify their school, and cause everyone to feel like they belong to something, as well as aid student performance in academics. By unifying the school with one common goal or purpose, school spirit dramatically increases. As one principal described, “School spirit is the heartbeat of the school, it can make or break a school year.” (School Exhibition). Cheering on the team, and …show more content…

One research investigation showed that “pride in the school was generated by individual and collective school successes, as well as the environment in which the students worked and played.” (Ool). If success created school spirit, Student Council would do anything they could to improve school success. In 2015, Bonneville High School’s student council attended numerous cross country meets, in order to cheer the team on, and help them feel successful. This support boosted their confidence, and improved their overall preformance. Student Council also wanted to support academics, so they created a hand out for each day of finals week to give to the students in order to encourage they study hard to succeed. By creating an environment of success Bonneville’s student council was able to increase the amount of spirit in their …show more content…

When everyone has the same goal or desire for their school, all of these people are unified together, which creates a cohesive and interactive environment. “It [school spirit] creates a sense of belongingness and unites the student population. When people belong to something they often become more committed and are more active in student activities… Students who are active give themselves the opportunity to branch out and meet new people forging relationships that may last beyond college [or high school].” (Filicia). When student council hosts engaging activities, they are creating the sense of belongingness that unifies the students together as one. By giving students the opportunity to participate in these activities, student council is giving the students opportunities to make new life-long friendships, and develop important life

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