Boeing's Largest Aircraft Manufacturing Company In The World

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Boeing and Lockheed, some of the largest airplane manufacturing companies in the world, were involved in a confidential document scandal beginning in 1996. Boeing utilized documents from Lockheed that were illegally obtained in order to gain an advantage in a multibillion dollar government contract. Both companies suffered greatly for Boeing's unethical behavior including multiple legal battles, diminishing public/ professional image, and millions of dollars in fees. Using information from sources such as IEEExplore, this paper will analyze Boeing's unethical behavior in this matter, as well as how this unethical behavior cost Boeing more than just lost profits.
Company History Boeing was founded on July 15th, 1916 by William Boeing in Seattle. …show more content…

The idea of air travel was very new at the beginning of the 20th century, making Boeing one of the very first airplane manufactures to exist. By the start of World War 1 Boeing was already beginning to produce and sell their first line of planes, the Model C, to the United States Navy ("A Century in the Sky", 2016). From there Boeing would continue to produce small airplanes designed to help transport small items such as mail across the country. This helped Boeing create a name for his company, as more and more large companies began to grow an interest in air travel. By World War 2, Boeing had begun producing what was then the largest long distance strategic bomber, the B-29, as well as a number of other model planes. (Smil, 2016). These planes provided the United States a huge advantage in both World War 2 and the Korean War, creating a great connection between Boeing and the United States military. Once air travel slowly began as an emerging commercial industry, Boeing had begun shifting their focus to creating commercial airliners for both national and international flight. Questionably one of Boeing's greatest innovations was the Boeing 737, a twin jet airliner

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