Body Paragraph Essay: The Guilty

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Body Paragraph I: The Guilty
The people who are now on the death penalty have committed crimes such as murder, rape, and treason. Most people think race plays a role in who is chosen for the death penalty. In reality, these statements saying race is the main role in who is chosen for the death penalty, are not true. 82% of the murder victims are white and 13% are black. This means for every six people who are on the death row, one of them are black. This 6:1 ratio means that the claim that the race of a person depends who is on the death row is false (Akhaven). Another popular claim that is also incorrect, is that the income level of who committed the crimes determines who is put on the death row. Although the wealthy can afford better lawyers, they cannot hide the guilt, facts, and the truth of what really happened. Ernest Van Den Haa from Pros and Cons Community states “Punishments are imposed on persons, not on...economic groups. Guilt is personal. The only relevant question is: Does the person to be executed deserve the punishment? ” In this statement, Van Den Haa is saying that what race you are or how much money you have plays no role in if you are guilty of the crimes you have committed or not. Either way, the death penalty should be given to those found guilty of the crimes they have …show more content…

The death penalty is estimated to be around 1.5-3.6 million compared to 50 years of prison being around 1 million (Akhaven). Although the cost of the death penalty is higher, it should still be considered. One should take out the financial arguments, try the accused and the found guilty should be sentenced. The cost of the death penalty is an issue, it should not be the main issue in whether or not the death penalty should be allowed or not. The depending factor should be based off the crimes such as murder, treason and rape. These acts are wrong and are punishable by

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