Boatlift 9/11 Analysis

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911 On September eleventh, two thousand one, the entire world was stunned when two Airline jets hit the world trade center killing thousands and injuring more. This was the largest terrorist attack the world has ever seen. This attack caused extreme terror and panic but it also caused something even more, it caused people to come together. No matter their race, religion or social standings people from all walks of life came together that day to help. In the documentary Boatlift, the film shows this phenomenon, and talks of and about people from every walk of life that came together to help their fellow human beings and Americans. After the towers collapsed people where trying to get off the island of Manhattan any way that could. With all the tunnels, subways, and bridges closed, there was only one way off the island, by boat. In the documentary, a boat captain tells how people were so desperate to get off the island they were literally jumping in to the water or on to the side of boats. People with every kind of boat were letting people on, trying to get people off the island and help any way they could. There where so many people trying to get off the island, boats where getting so full that they were getting close to flipping or sinking. …show more content…

Hundreds of boats came together to help the city, helping in any way they could. The boat captains in the documentary explained that they never seen so many boats at one time in the same location. Each boat would take as many people that they could fit on their boat it was the largest sea evacuation in history. Five hundred thousand people were evacuated in 9 hours more that the evacuation of Dunkirk in World War II where three hundred thousand people were saved over nine

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