Blue Whale Essay

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The Blue Whale’s scientific name is, Balaenoptera musculu, and it can be separated into three groups: the Southern Blue Whale, Pygmy Blue Whale, and the Northern Blue Whale. These Blue Whales have become an endangered species because of the threats from acoustic pollution, entanglement from human debris, physical injury or death from ship strikes, man-made structures impacting their habitat, the changing of the quality water and water pollution, and altered currents nearshore habitats.
Learning about the Blue Whale facts will help in learning more about the Blue Whale and also will also reveal some characteristics that make the Blue Whale so desirable to those who hunt them. The Southern Hemisphere’s Blue Whale can reach up to 98 feet in length and it can weigh up to 160 tons. While the Northern Hemisphere’s Blue Whale can reach up to 89 feet in length and can also weigh about 160 tons. The Female Blue Whales are larger than their male counterpart. The Blue Whale is the largest animal in history and the biggest Blue Whale was ever recorded was 110 feet long and weighed over 200 tons! The body of the Blue whale is tapered and streamlined to help increase the Whale’s swimming speed.
The Blue Whale got it’s name for the color it possesses. Although they have the color “blue” in their title, they are actually a blue-gray color and only looks aquamarine in the ocean water. The Blue Whale is also known for their sulphur color because it is the color of their undersides. Although they are blue, there are some color variations that help us identify the whale individuals. The Flippers may be a light color or just white, and the underside of the fluke is dark. In the Northern Hemisphere, diatoms attach themselves to...

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...rn Blue Whales have been almost hunted to extinction. Even though their is a ban on whaling, there is still illegal activity that goes on. This is caused by the greed that humans have. They do not understand that by hunting, they might wipe off the Northern Blue Whale into extinction. Ways to stop this is too have a parole in the waters of the North Atlantic in my opinion. They need to have strict rules and radar to monitor every ship and what it is doing. Even if it costs a lot of money, you have to do whatever it takes to save one of the most majestic creatures in this planet.
Overall, I think that the ban on Blue Whales have further helped the population to start to rebuild and revitalize itself. Even though there are still natural threats to the Blue Whale like climate change, humans can still help these animals by not adding threats to them by hunting.

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