Blue Lighting In Frankenstein By Bruce Goodrich

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Bruce Goodrich’s “Frankenstein,” presented by Cal State Fullerton College Center for the Arts on September 29 at 8 pm, is about a man named Victor Frankenstein who creates a creature to see if he can resurrect the dead because of his mother’s passing. This creation is left to survive on his own while Frankenstein descends into depression and despair, and returns to his family. The creature figures out life alone and becomes disgusted and filled with hate toward those around him. He then realizes his creator left him, which in turn leads him to become vengeful. “Victor Frankenstein” performed by Anthony Ayala and choreographed by Lisa Draskovich-Long grabs the audience’s attention throughout the performance. In this thrilling classic, …show more content…

It was a flat stage in front with one chair on both sides of it. A chandelier hanging above the chairs, made the setting more intimate. The back of the stage consisted of different heights that served as the scientist's lab and a bridge. The eerie lighting above the lab added to the effect that this was a mad scientist's lab. The lighting and projections perfectly accompanied the story. Each time a character has an important line or dialogue, the spotlight hits them with a color that set the tone, making their importance known. In moments of despair or suspense, blue lighting reflects the characters’ feelings. Blue lighting also gives the sense of cold weather, the nighttime, and the amber. Yellow light gives the sense of warmth. Flashing lights mimicked a storm. The red lighting gave the impression of a hot, destructive fire, or danger. The clothing in this play is that from the 18th century, with women wearing high-waisted empire dresses. Coat dresses were worn to keep warm. The men wore Waistcoats (vests), trousers, button shirts with a tailcoat. A great coat was worn to keep warm. Leather shoes and top hats completed the look. The look the writer was trying to convey is a gothic regency style, undermining the cool classic style from the middle

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