Blue Collar Brilliance Analysis

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A college Degree used to be an extraordinary accolade but now its just another thing that we need in order to be successful, at this points its nothing more than a paperweight to some. Mike Rose states, “Intelligence is closely associated with formal education—the type of schooling a person has, how much and how long—and most people seem to move comfortably from that notion to a belief that work requiring less schooling requires less intelligence” (Mike Rose 276). In other words the author of Blue-Collar Brilliance, Mike Rose, believes that blue-collar jobs require intelligence as well. I agree that those who work blue-collar jobs need to be intelligent, a point that needs emphasizing since so many people believe that those who work blue-collar jobs aren't intelligent and that why they have them. Although I also believe that The essay Blue-Collar Brilliance discuses the topic that even blue-collar jobs require intelligence. Rose says that it is an intelligence of both body and mind. This doesn't mean that they are book smart genius’ but rather they have their own form of smarts. In the essay Rose talks about a woman, who I assume is his mother, who was a waitress at a restaurant. He talked about the special skills she had and her ability to do her job as great as she did. He talks about the knowledge and intuition about the ways …show more content…

I also agree with my Mom that everyone has their own definition of success and that the media creates the ideal version of it. I decided that college was the best option for me because I couldn't see myself working a blue-collar job for the rest of my life and being able to say I felt successful and/or happy. College isn't for everyone but if you can’t see yourself working a blue-collar job and be able to say you're happy and successful then college might be your best option, no matter how

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