Blood and Iron - The Main Factors in the Unification of Germany

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Blood and Iron - The Main Factors in the Unification of Germany

The unification of Germany was not just a matter of the signing a

document stating that the many states had become one country. There

were problems such as varying languages, currencies, and ethnic

minorities to name a few. In the end however one country, Germany was

the states as one but how was it unified? 'Coal and iron' refers to

economic ties unifying Germany and 'blood and iron' refers to the

unification of Germany through force. The role of Bismarck in the

unification of Germany was also a key factor however, if he was to be

put in one category for having unified Germany 'coal and iron' or

'blood and iron' he would be put into the latter. There were attempted

unifications through 'coal and iron' however for various reasons to be

discussed it did not occur. Bismarck realised that economy was not

going to unify Germany so he used force to achieve this, 'my task is

to keep and eye on the currents and steer my ship in them as best I


Trade was a big problem between the states and would need to be sorted

out if they were to unify. The currency of the states was the same

however its value varied between the borders. Between the states trade

was restricted due to internal tariffs and customs barriers. Trading

with other states was inconvenient and expensive. The Rhineland

manufacturers complained about the burden on home industry. There was

no duty charged on foreign imports so the Rhineland, a rich industrial

area did not trade as well with neighbouring states as the foreign

imports were cheaper and just as good. As a result, the Prussian

Customs Union was fo...

... middle of paper ...

...d from the North German Confederation.

By this evidence it can be seen that 'blood and iron' was the main

factor which unified Germany. It is hard to conclude however that it

was only military force. Without economic unity the states might never

have united behind Prussia and just seen her as a tyrant, not a

leader. The weapons for war with Austria would not have been available

and it also created a great sense of nationalism within the states,

permitting success in war. Through war Bismarck was able to unite

Germany politically under Prussia as well. War with Austria was

necessary as Bismarck needed to show that she was weak and should not

be supported, so unity under Prussia would be achieved. Solely 'coal

and iron' did not succeed in unification but with the help of Bismarck

and 'blood and iron' this was possible.

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