Blessed John Paul II's Theology of the Body

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Blessed John Paul II was one of the most influential figures of the Catholic Church in modern times. He touched the lives of many Catholics around the world is due to be canonized as a Saint for all the works and efforts he was involved in throughout his life. The Theology of the Body is a novel that contains numerous addresses, 129 to be exact, that are divided into cycles that focus on specific remarks made by Christ and allow for the reader to analyze them and draw their conclusions from scripture. These cycles also are accompanied with the opinion of the Blessed Holy Father John Paul II as he discusses his point of view along with Christ. The beginning three cycles contains reflections on statements made by Christ regarding the sacred sacrament of marriage. The meaning of the original unity of man, whom God created "male and female," is obtained (especially in the light of Genesis 2:23) by knowing man in the entire endowment of his being, that is, in all the riches of that mystery of creation, on which theological anthropology is based. This knowledge, that is, the study of the human identity of the one who, at the beginning, is "alone," must always pass through duality, "communion." (John Paul II, Vatican) In this excerpt from an address to the general audience, we can truly see how Blessed John Paul II beautifully explains scripture and what God’s wishes are in a manner that is clear and concise. The following cycle consists of on John Paul II’s ruminations on the Sermon on the Mount made by Christ concerning the heinous sin of adultery. It dives into the fact that you fall into the sin of adultery not only with the act of doing so but also with your lustful thoughts of a woman. The third cycle includes a discussion of t... ... middle of paper ... ...was able to achieve throughout his life. It is no mistake that Vicar of Christ John Paul II will be canonized a Saint for all the works he achieved with the grace and guidance of God. It truly is a pleasure to be able to be familiar with the deeds of one of the most influential Catholics in modern time. Works Cited Hogan, Richard M. "An Introduction to John Paul II's Theology of the Body."Natural Family Planning Outreach. N.p., 25 Feb. 2003. Web. 07 Apr. 2014. Hogan, Richard M. "John Paul II’s New Vision of Human Sexuality, Marriage and Family Life." NFP Outreach - Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Apr. 2014. Paul, John, II. "General Audience, 21 November 1979, In the 1st Chapters of Genesis,Marriage Is One and Indissoluble." General Audience, 21 November 1979, In the 1st Chapters of Genesis,Marriage Is One and Indissoluble. Vatican, 21 Nov. 1979. Web. 09 Apr. 2014.

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