Blended Families Vs Non Traditional Families Essay

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The definition of family and the composition of it have changed over the last century and both continue to evolve. The size and structure of a family impacted by two-income earners, same sex couples, and the acceptance of non-traditional households have all changed the family structure in our country. This influence also creates a cause and effect on our communities. The form of the typical family is much different today than it has been in the past. Many families are now blended families, a combination of a man and woman with children formed together or from previous relationships and marriages. Or they may even be composed of a same sex couple and adopted or surrogate children. Couples may or may not be married, but are living under the same roof and under the same condition of marriage, without the formality of a legal marriage. In the future, the number of these blended family households is likely to increase as more people view marriage as an added complication or their already busy lives. …show more content…

Many couples, married or not, require both partners to earn income in order to support themselves, their children, and their lifestyle. The days of the breadwinning father and the stay at home mother are nearly gone and will continue to fade away over the coming years. With two working parents, the community will need to change to offer additional after school programs and care for children until the parents return from work. In addition, as parents continually try to construct their children’s lives with college in mind, parents will want their children involved in structured after school activities, geared towards reinforcing and furthering skills as opposed to unstructured play time. Community centers and schools will need to change to meet this demand from

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