Blah blah blah

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Image appeal means to catch the attention of society with pictures. What image appeal does to our reality, Postman inserts that images does something with the message that we can’t. In Postman’s article “Peek-a-Boo”, he discusses about the commodity that images gives to society. It gives an incoherent, impotent, and irrelevant feeling. He also states that the Peek-a-Boo world does not rely on commentary or explanation.
Sherman’s piece, Untitled Film Still #14 it denotes the mirror/lens dynamics factor. The mirror represents another photographic transaction; two features of the image make it referential of the camera/gaze. (Krauss, 1988). The mirrors acts as another photographic layer that within the image. It gives more depth to the image’s meaning. The mirror is a reflective object that is put in use to denote even more details to the image.
A picture is a metaphor, not a reality. One particular thing is in one’s own perspective. Although it lacks sense of foundation, it is context-free. When we take photographs, there is a frame that we look through the camera. The frame acts as an imaginary viewfinder. It isolates reality in that little box. The shutter captures the image in different speed settings. In photography it awakes us because it is visually stimulating to look at.
Imagery can give us the social conceptuality reality that passes as “real”. Postman argues that the sensory is less involved when there is an image present, since the image delivers its own concept and background. We cannot denote the meaning of it or imagine the environment-setting location. Images can decrease our imaginary ability to create our own type of world. An example is the grunt to speech that turns into print. Grunt and speech become...

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... the field of vision, it is in the guise of a photograph. It is also when a real camera is trained upon us that we have our most acute awareness of being seen. (Sontag, 1977). She talks about how we automatically put on a mask and pose our bodies in a way when the camera is pointed at us or in our direction. We want to be seen as attractive rather than being captured in the moment.
Postman inserts that the use of new technological devices may make us lose our perception of ourselves because we may try to live in them. Photography is another technological pathway that leads us to play various characters. Photography can capture that character’s moment and then it is preserved in that context forever. Image appeal stimulates our minds and makes us lose our touch within reality so we have to remind ourselves that photography is only a temporary escape from reality.

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