Black Ships Before Troy: Is Hector A True Hero?

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“It doesn’t take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.” - Norman Schwarzkopf. This quote represents a significant trait that is found in true heros such as Hector. Hector is an unforgettable hero because he is passionate, brave, and caring.

Hector is a passionate, heroic figure in Black Ships Before Troy because he is willing to stand up for his Kingdom and motivate others to do the same. “Under the city walls men are dying because of the evil you wrought ten years ago! Up know, leave this playing with your weapons as though they were toys. Get your armour on and join them!” (Sutcliff 36). This shows that Hector is willing to stand up against his own brother and demand him to help him fight for their home. Hector is a Trojan warrior filled with passion among his people and his Kingdom. “Any man I find lagging behind, I shall see him killed and his body flung to the dogs!” (Sutcliff 67). This is an example of a true hero because passion is expressed through Hector’s bold words. …show more content…

This is important to have in a hero because without bravery, he could not lead and fight along with his army. Hector stood up to fight against Ajax in single combat (Sutcliff 42). Hector’s bravery makes him a hero because he is willing to fight despite the chances of him losing his life. “And Hector, seeing this, shouted the war cry like a huntsman crying on his hounds against a lion, and rushed forward at the head of his warriors, scattering the Greeks like spray.” (Sutcliff

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