Bipolar Disorder Documentary Analysis

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According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), (n.d.), bipolar disorder is a disorder of the brain that causes wide and unusual shifts in activity levels, mood, energy, and can affect the ability to carry out daily activities. These shifts can eventually cause damage to relationships, work, and school performances. This disorder was once known as manic –depression (Halter, 2014) and affects approximately 5.7 million adults in the United States (NIMH, n.d.). With the high amount of individuals struggling with this disorder it is important to have correct information available to the public. Documentaries and books written about mental illness have been shining a light on the issues at hand. Specifically a documentary made in 2012, …show more content…

She tried to commit suicide when she was younger and no one knew. As an adult, she got to that dark place of wanting to end her life again. She went to a free clinic in Hollywood that diagnosed her with bipolar disorder within five minutes of meeting her (Klein & Bush, 2012). After admitting that she was worried that she might commit suicide, the staff told her it would be three months before there would be an opening on the inpatient unit. Luckily, she found help sooner at another facility. The documentary goes on to follow her throughout her up and downs and other struggles with her disorder. There is one scene in particular that spoke volumes. It was during a depressed state where she had just broken up with her boyfriend. She looked like a completely different person. Sad, dejected, and depressed. Even her facial coloring was different from her robust, full of life look in earlier scenes (Klein & Bush, …show more content…

It did not explain about the different classifications of the disorder (Klien & Blush, 2012). This is an important piece considering there are varying degrees of mania and depression. This lack of information can be important when dealing with people with bipolar disorder. The difference between bipolar I and cyclothymic disorder is significant. If a person has not been exposed to this disorder and use the documentary as their only source of information, they could have a skewed view. They may assume everyone with bipolar is going to be extremely euphoric and have all the qualities demonstrated in the film. Alternatively, not everyone with bipolar will struggle with severe depression as it was shown in the

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