Biography of Mary Maynard Daly

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Can you envision a period where women were not able to vote, get into the topmost universities in America, and receive an education? For ages women were living underneath the shadows of men because they were not allowed to prosper, the only destiny they had for themselves were mother and wife. However, one lady broke numerous barriers and became the first African American woman in the United States to obtain a PhD in chemistry – Mary Maynard Daly. She was an activist for the African American community and active in several associations, hardworking, and proud fully lived her father’s legacy with her drive and determination. Mary Maynard Daly was born on April 16, 1921 in Corona, Queens and was the daughter of the well-educated Ivan C. Daly and Helen Daly. The Daly’s were well cultured and educated but could not wholly peruse their dreams because of financial complications so Mary Daily took her parents endeavor and turned it into her personal incentive. In addition, Daly’s grandparents contributed a vast role in her road to triumph, by laying down the groundwork of chemistry when she was younger. When Daly visited her grandparents who lived in Washington D.C she was able to read bout scientist and their accomplishments in her grandfather’s diverse and informative library. During her readings at her grandparents’ house, Daly found her science muse, a chemist named Paul De Kruif who made her decision to pursue chemistry as a career assured. Later on Daly married Vincent Clark, in 1961 and decided to move to Florida and unfortunately Daly died in 2003 and the cause of her death was unknown. Of course along the way Mary Daly had a lot of challenges getting to her supreme, she faced numerous racial slurs and bias conduct bec... ... middle of paper ... ...anged the world and is in our history books for all of eternity. “Women have to harness their power - it's absolutely true. It's just learning not to take the first no. And if you can't go straight ahead, you go around the corner” –Cher. If Daly accepted her first “no” and quit after someone doubted her, she would not have made history. If she believed that her goals were impossible, she would not have made history. If she took into consideration of some of the negative backlashed she received, she would not have made history. Instead of giving up she proved a lot of people wrong and turned out to once again impact our world heavily. Nothing is handed freely to anyone in this world, we all have to work for what we want no matter the difficulties. So, the next time someone tells you one person cannot make difference or you will not reach your goal what will you do?

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