Biography Of Sigmund Freud

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Sigismund Schlomo Freud, better known as Sigmund Freud was born on May 6th of 1856. He was raised in the town of Příbor in Moravia in the time of the Austrian Empire and what is now Czech Republic. His wife was Martha Bernays and together had six children. Of these children were Mathilde, Jean-Martin, Oliver, Ernst, Sophie, and Anna; Anna of which later followed in her father’s footsteps. He passed the 23rd of September of 1939 at 83 years old. Among many, although flawed, contributions he is best titled as the Father of Psychoanalysis. In his career he posed many theories, the earliest of them: The Seduction Theory. The majority of people whom came to him in the 1890s were reported as victims of sexual abuse as children. Unfortunately, he began to see these allegations as fantasies. His first explanation was that patients were simply fighting “memories of infantile masturbation”, touching oneself as a baby or womb. He claimed patients were not aware of the repression. Experiments of this included having patient act out the events they “thought” of. As time went on, his patients did not believe they were actually abused at, even more so after reproducing their supposed abuse. He dropped his previous research and went on to cocaine. Freud was an avid user and agreed with proposing the drug as a stimulant and as pain medication. He believed it had potential as a cure for mental and physical problems, and morphine addiction. Additionally he supplied the drug to a close friend so as to replace his morphine due to a leg injury. The cocaine instead did not ease his pain, causing the acquaintance switch back to morphine. Freud was proven wrong, his reputation now damaged somewhat. Freud then went back to his theory of repression to form ... ... middle of paper ... ...As a child grew he argued that everyone is born “polymorphously perverse”, you could find sexual pleasure in any person or object. In turn, the libido is developed by changing the object that you took pleasure in. Although Freud had many theories, as they were brought up, they were disproven. Some noted facts against his theories is that they were based almost completely on a males development then assumed to be equal for females. There is also difficulty in testing. Concepts like libido cannot be measure and vary from person to person which made testing impossible. His predictions of the future were wrong as well as vague. The time gap between a childhood cause was too far away from the adulthood effect. Most importantly all his information was from case studies NOT empirical research and adults NOT children meaning all his research was faulty. What do you believe?

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