Biography Of Nefertiti

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Imagine being in a museum and you see Nefertiti’s bust would you know who she is? The majority of the people that go to museums want to know the culture of the place they are currently in and if they take tours they do not give them the whole story they just give a synopsis of what the person did. The website History article Nefertiti says that the beauty of her bust is only skin deep and the way it looks is just the exterior but in the interior of the surface of her bust it is painted more realistic (Nefertiti). The bust received CT scans in 2009 and because of that they believe that underneath there is a limestone carving of a woman with wrinkled cheeks and a bump on her nose (Nefertiti). Her bust is the most iconic thing to come out of her …show more content…

Some of the scholars from today believe that Nefertiti died but there are others that believe that she became a Pharaoh after her husband died because her husband always made her his equal, so when he died people of that time assumed that she became the Pharaoh Smenkhkare (Nefertiti Biography). Nefertiti’s name means that of “a beautiful woman has come” (Nefertiti Biography) and later on when her husband changed Egypt’s God Amon to Aten she added the name Neferneferuaten and her whole name meant, “Beautiful are the beauties of Aten, a Beautiful Woman has come” (Nefertiti). She was very powerful and people read about her in history books and when they go places they can learn about her in museums and in the Egyptian Museum in Berlin they have an entire room set aside for Nefertiti (Society for the Promotion). Her bust has her own room in the Egyptian Berlin Museum but its’ only company is by James Simon because he was the one that funded the excavations of Amarna, even though Ludwig Borchardt was the one that found the bust, and he divided the artifacts that his people found un Egypt. Some of the artifacts that were found in excavation were divided between Egypt and Germany so Nefertiti’s bust was then sent to Berlin (Society for the

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