Biography Of Anne Bonney

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Anne Bonney was very important part of our history,she went through hard times so that she could do what she wanted to do. Born on March 8th,2012.As a child, born in County Cork, Ireland,Anne went through a lot of things in her childhood.Her father wasn't that nice to her.He used to dress Anne up as a boy in front of his 2nd wife.His wife paid allowance but when she figured out She quit paying them allowances. Anne and her mom,Mary Brennan was very close while Anne was a just a little girl.When Anne turned 12 her mom died.I couldn't really find out how she died,but it was probably from sickness.Her father later remarried to a woman. Later before she was a pirate her and her father moved to Nassau,in the Bahamas.This is where she got into all

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