Biogenetics: How Does That Affect The Image Of God

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Imagine that everyone has a perfect life and everyone’s life is perfect! How boring would that be not having different personalities and characteristics in your daily life? What fun would that be for everyone to be the same? God created us just the way we are and we don’t need to change anything about us! Biogenetics is the total opposite of everyone being just the way they were made. Biogenetics wants to change plants, animals, and humans. How does that affect the image of God?
From oxygen to food to shelter to energy to shade, plants provide us with virtually everything we need to survive and to thrive. Genetics and Plant Biology (GPB) majors study the distribution and diversity of plant life from the sub-molecular to the organismal level. There is momentous work to be done for those who want to unravel the mystery of genes, bring expertise to medical school, educate future biologists, or develop methods to feed the world! With biogenetics, you can change the plant different from which it was originated for to whatever benefits you. But is change better for you? probably not. We as humans need to leave the plants just how God created them and be good caregivers to the plants instead of changing them for our benefits. God created the plants …show more content…

These methods, however, have been limited to naturally occurring variations. Recent advances in genetic engineering have made it possible for scientists to precisely control any genetic changes introduced into an organism. Genes from one species can, through genetic engineering, be incorporated into an entirely different species. When in reality we need to let nature run its course instead of force breeding and making everything about people and what benefits them instead we need to think about the animals we are

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