Binge Drinking In College Essay

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“Drink your troubles away” seems to be the motto for students these days. What a plethora of college students are doing is consuming excessive amounts of alcohol in a small time frame; in other words; binge drinking. Drinking, in general, has short-term and long-term effects. It can impair your judgment to do basic everyday things or to think critically about certain choices. Alcohol is an addictive substance and can make anyone an alcoholic with the right push. Being young adults, college students need to learn how to take care of themselves as well as their responsibilities. It is understandable why college institutions want to help college students so that no one gets injured. While it is not the responsibility of a school/institution to take care of every drunk student, they should …show more content…

Colleges do not do that. In the article, “Stop Babysitting College Students,” Froma Harrop states, “Colleges should not ‘police’ off-campus suppliers of alcohol.” She does not believe that students should be dealt with on campus as if they were still in high school. In the opinion of many authors and writers, they claim that many alcohol-related incidents are caused by college students not being able to drink responsibly. Some of their accusations say that a large number of college students will die or have died each year associated with an alcohol-related incident. One way for the student body to cease the drinking is to send them to therapy. If most students have to deal with day-to-day distress, they might be too busy or too embarrassed to discuss it with someone close to the student, and so they drink their troubles away. The student body should promote knowledge of binge drinking around the school. If a student body member sees a student drinking consistently they could send them a counselor or the institutions therapist, if the school has one. Communication is better than

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