Billy Prior Analysis

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Billy Prior is another patient who Rivers treats at Craiglockhart and who for quite some time was completely mute. He is literally speechless because of what he saw in the trenches. Prior was an officer, however he did not hold any significant occupation before the war. He was a person who found meaning in his life on the battlefield and was made strong by that. As someone who always felt he had something to prove Prior was finally able to show his masculinity. His need to prove himself a man stemmed from his childhood with an abusive father, and he grew up constantly needing to prove his masculinity. However even on the battlefield Prior suffered, having a type of asthma that made him more susceptible to the gas attacks used in the trenches and more …show more content…

After being sent to Craiglockhart Prior began to face difficulty with the idea of going back. He originally volunteered for the war and while he really want to go back because it is what is expected of him he also want to stay alive. Prior finds it difficult opening up to Rivers and describing what happened to him on the battlefield and constantly pushes Rivers to try hypnosis on him to help him recall. Rivers notes that hypnosis as a form of therapy is not typically requested due to the patients feeling of powerlessness while under trance. Prior fears reliving the events that brought him to the hospital so much that he is willing to surrender control of his mind in order to be treated. Prior wants to be treated and be sent back but is unwilling to go back even just in his mind. Much of Prior’s story deals with his relationship Sarah, a munitions worker, who

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