Big Smoke: A Short Story

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It was a dark quiet night in the streets of Compton. There was a slight breeze along with shattering glass under the heavy boots of Big Smoke, who was being pursued by a gang he betrayed. He's been hiding for the past 2 weeks and now he's cornered. He will never forget the things he did to be hunted down like a wild animal. It all started when Big Smoke was playing basketball in downtown with his crew Jose, Nick, and Jayden. Smoke owed a top class drug dealer, Tre baker, thousands of dollars. So while they were shooting hoops Jayden turned and said, “Hey smoke, aren't you scared about Tre catching you up in these parts of the streets?” Big Smoke said nothing and just kept shooting around. Jayden spoke again,”alright man I’m …show more content…

They heard a scurry of voices in front of them so they jumped to conclusion that it was someone looking for them. They hid in the shadows of a dark green dumpster surrounded in filth that would make you want to vomit. They sat there shaking as the voices grew and grew, coming nearer and nearer. It sounded as a classroom full of kids one second then dropped to the silence of a funeral. The silence was eerie, there happen to be a faint noise of police sirens in the distance. They all sprinted down the dark devilish corridor considered an ally for the thought that they were going to jail. Jayden stood up to see if they were gone, they were, as Smoke stood up the disgusting moldy trash ripped a little bit. They thought that it was just their weight crushing the bags at first when all of a sudden the ripping turned to shredding and tiny furry creatures bursted out, squeaks and all. It was rats. 27 of them came through, they had Smoke and Jayden jumping and kicking until they ran …show more content…

Moments later the heavy steel door opened, ripping at the concrete on the inside. The man who stood at the door was dark skinned, ripped to the bone, and carried an assault rifle. He led them downstairs through tunnels that contain more Heavy steel doors that contained blood gurgling screams. The four continued down the tunnels, no words were said. The whole time it was just the darkness, the extremely foul smell, and the complete quietness. And the whole time Big Smoke didn't know who he was meeting and what might happen. “We’re here,” the huge man said A door opened very slowly. A faint glow of a midnight satanic red shown through the crevasses as the door slowly glided open. A tall, well dressed man wearing one diamond earring on his left ear turned slowly. As he did, he spoke in a deep, stern voice. “We meet again….. Smoke,” he spoke. Big smoke yelled at Jayden, “It was a

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