Big Brother in George Orwell's Novel 1984 and All Around Us

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, Big Brother is “A person or organization exercising total control over people's lives.” Not only is Big Brother featured in George Orwell's novel 1984, the concept of a “Big Brother” is also seen everywhere around us in our everyday lives. Our modern-day form of Big Brother is our own government and the way it keeps surveillance over us. The way the United States and many other modern-day countries govern these days, with all their new advanced technology, we citizens are never truly alone. Our every move is constantly being watched. The difference between our modern-day Big Brother and the Big Brother in the novel 1984 is that our monitors claim to want to keep us safe, not to brainwash us to attain total power and control.
In my opinion North Korea's government is currently the most similar to the government portrayed in Orwell's novel. Just like Oceania, North Korea is run by a dictatorship that is cult like. Just like Big Brother in 1984, Kim Jong-un censors information and keeps most of it from his citizens. He punishes people for criticizing his government, and he constantly puts out propaganda pretending that North Korea is the best country in the world. The citizens of North Korea have no choice but to believe the information their leaders feed them, because they don't have access to any other news sources. The Big Brother of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, is the ultimate decider of what is real and what is fake in his country. It's as if he's erasing a part of his country's history by keeping so much information from his people. And in the other direction, he's keeping information about his country from the outside world.
I think all governments in every country have a good amount of control...

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...ld go to these extremes if it didn't think it was necessary for the good of the country and its citizens. I think the only way our government would be abusing its power and using it to an extreme degree is if it started using the information it discovers against everyday law-abiding citizens, and punishing us for having opinions about our country that the government in power doesn't like. The original causes that sparked this Big Brother movement are events like terrorist attacks and cyber attacks, etc. Our leaders think the only way to prevent future disasters is to heighten security. They are trying to crack down on threats early, and end them before it's too late. In this way I think they are using technology the way it should be used, to help make our lives safer and better, and not to brainwash us so they can control us and use us to heighten their own power.

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